Overcoming Extreme Weather to Break Ground for the All-Star Game at Minneapolis Target Field

  • 700 Square foot portable building
  • Electrical 200A, 480V 3-phase service with a 150KVA transformer
  • 3 6-ton HVAC units
  • 2 Emerson power plants
  • 78 Marathon batteries
  • 4 Telect racks
  • 28 Alcatel Lucent cabinets
  • 1 mile Telcoflex DC power cable
  • 6 miles of coax
Aerial view of Target Field in Minneapolis, Minnesota

Before the 2014 baseball season and All-Star Game, Target Field was noted for its cozy feel in the bustling center of Minneapolis. But the biggest event in baseball is anything but cozy! With thousands flocking to the city for the game and lead-up events, a massive increase in infrastructure was needed. One of the top requirements was high-speed internet coverage, so that all the fans and media could have uninterrupted access.

Installing a network in a short time frame is always a challenge, but as it was the middle of winter, there were even greater obstacles. With sub-zero temperatures, the ground was frozen solid. To break ground to lay fiber, expert engineering was crucial.

With years of experience in providing wireless solutions at marquee events, Betacom was the right choice for the job. Although many of the company’s projects had been in the Southeast, Betacom was well-equipped to deal with extreme midwestern temperatures.

State-of-the-Art Engineering in Sub-Zero Temperatures

During the construction period, temperatures were an average of -3 degrees Fahrenheit. Betacom covered the ground with insulated heated blankets powered by a furnace. The thawing process took five days, during time which the next steps were prepared. 

As there were underground utilities beneath the shelter site, it was imperative that the shelter could be craned out of place when necessary. Lightweight yet weather-withstanding materials had to be used.

After the thawing was complete and the shelter was constructed, Betacom’s engineers dug a deep trench to lay the fiber. Using the latest technology, they ensured that the network would provide consistent connections for fans and media throughout the All-Stars and for many games to come for years in the future.

Hosting the All-Star Game was a major success for the stadium, and the upgrades enabled fans to enjoy fast, seamless internet coverage throughout the event, and beyond.

The Right Choice for Expanding Wireless Capacity, Across the US

If you’re preparing for a marquee event and need to expand your capacity, Betacom is the best choice for the job, whatever the challenges. Betacom runs projects across the US and has the experience to meet the obstacles that weather, temperature and terrain can pose. In fact, we are disaster recovery experts. Contact us today for a consultation.