Private 5G and the Airport of the Future

Traveler sitting at airport gate with plane outside window

This is one of those weeks that fill me with gratitude.  Two big milestones occurred, marking the culmination of months of planning and execution. On Tuesday we were honored to receive two OnGo Awards – for Excellence in Enterprise Deployment at DFW and as a Judge’s Choice winner. And today we are releasing a new Private Wireless for Airports report by Senza Fili Principal Analyst Monica Paolini.  The report discusses the value private networks can bring to an airport’s digitalization strategy and highlights interviews with DFW EVP of Innovation Paul Puopolo along with Betacom CEO Johan Bjorklund.

It was less than a year ago that we launched Betacom 5G as a Service, so it is particularly gratifying that we not only ran a successful private wireless trial with Dallas Fort Worth International Airport team, but that we won industry recognition for this groundbreaking deployment.  If you haven’t had a chance, take a few minutes to view this video where we talk about the deployment in some detail.  Perhaps even more gratifying is the fact that the trial opened up a whole new set of conversations inside DFW around where a fully deployed private network can take them as they plan the airport of the future

The Senza Fili Report, Private 5G in Airports: Ready for Takeoff, is a comprehensive overview of the benefits that airports can achieve when they take control of wireless connectivity to drive their digital transformation strategies.  DFW’s Head of Innovation Paul Puopolo stands out as one of the clear thought leaders in this space, and his interview provides great insight into why newly available private wireless technology is a game changer for the airport.  You can see the interview here

I feel a bit like the Academy Award winner who has to be pulled from the stage.  There are so many people to thank for bringing us to this day.  Two rise to the top of my list.  First, my deepest thanks to Paul and the entire team at DFW who brought the network to life.  Second is the OnGo Alliance and Award judges who had the foresight to create an entire ecosystem around CBRS spectrum and private networks.

Brian Watkins